New Jersey | 43 Acres
One of the key challenges of developing natural land to meet home buyer demand is ensuring that we do not disrupt native species or habitats. At Toll Brothers, we have applied ingenuity and creativity to this delicate balancing act.
Enclave at Denville is a Toll Brothers community in New Jersey that has earned approval from the state's Department of Environmental Protection. The property includes vernal pools, which are natural mating grounds for area frogs who travel from one pool to the next during the spring season. The land plan calls for the main road to cut through the community with vernal pools on either side, making for a pretty passageway for drivers but causing a dilemma for the frogs, who won't cross the street. The Toll Brothers team has designed and will implement "critter crossings," special under-the-road creature thoroughfares with open grates in the center island so the frogs can easily make their way from pool to pool. A similar stretch of road in nearby East Brunswick gets closed every spring for this very reason, so the innovative Toll Brothers solution maintains the natural habitat while avoiding a road closure to the community.

May reflect information outside of FY 2020